Demo 0.4

Ugh, after a couple of weeks, another new big update. This one took a while but marks the demo being 99% done aside from a few lingering issues. 

As usual I've tried to check for bugs but some may linger. Please let me know if any pop up!

Changelog is as follows:

  • Gameplay:
    • Player:
      • Lowered speed for player boost steering and shoot steering
      • Boosting into walls now halves velocity
      • Boosting now has a 0.3 second grace period when the buttons are no longer held. While in this state, enemies will still die to contact with the player
      • Bouncing into a wall now sets the player's angle to the normal of the bounce, but only if they are facing towards the wall
      • Added a proper player death animation
      • When killing an enemy with boosting, if ammo is restored, it will show how much ammo it restored
      • Player trail no longer appears when not moving
      • Extra effects and sounds occur when trying to boost without thrusting, to make it clear that it's an intended mechanic
      • Player health circle now changes colour at low health
      • Large improvement in effects for when the player takes damage
      • When killing an enemy with a boost, effects that appear which indicate ammo has been restored only appear when there is ammo to restore (eg, boost-killing an enemy at max ammo now looks different). This is to properly indicate when ammo has been restored
    • Timer:
      • Timer has been replaced. The new system is wave based, in that after defeating a wave and starting the next one, a time pickup will spawn. Touching it adds 10 seconds. Starting time has been reduced to 30 second
      • Added pickups that increase time when defeating a wave of enemies or by triggering a boost explosion
    • Scoring:
      • Added a scoring system
      • Killing enemies with boost increases multiplier but does not apply it
      • Killing enemies with shot applies multiplier as score to enemies killed by shooting
      • Added a text object that appears when killing an enemy to indicate score added
    • Boss:
      • Updated boss caption
      • Tagged boss warning SFX so they work with the volume sliders (sorry)
      • Added lots and lots of polish (too much to list here)
      • Added boss music
      • All enemies during a boss now restore ammo again, but some restore significantly less
      • Laser attack now renders again and has improved effects (and has audio)
      • Laser now fires on phase 1
      • Sped up boss intro
      • Slightly improved boss warning polish
      • Boss now properly pauses the timer instead of setting it to 1 when transitioning in a phase (looks slightly nicer)
      • Most boss attacks that spawn only bullets now have a low chance to spawn a charger instead of a single bullet instance
      • Quitting during a boss now resets the palette group to non-boss palettes
      • Boss tentacles now oscillate in and out for added difficulty
      • Boss hud elements now properly use the UI colour
      • Bosses now only show on-damage effects if they took damage (EG boosting into them no longer makes them flash white, and Ocellatus no longer flashes white if you shoot it in its shielded phase)
      • Improved boss death and damage effects
      • Added an extra attack to the boss shielded phase
      • Bosses no longer pick the same attack twice
      • Ocellatus no longer spawns any enemies during its shielded phase
      • Bosses now make the player invulnerable during warning and intro
    • Enemy:
      • Drone eye has been repositioned finally, so it sits in the center of the socket
      • Added sounds for when enemy warnings appear
      • Added sounds for when enemies spawn
      • Enemies now only show on-damage effects if they took damage
      • Stickers now create smoke particles when attached to the player to indicate what they are doing if the bar isn't obvious enough
      • Added effects and sound for when an enemy takes damage without dying (EG shooting a drone at full health)
      • Improved particles for enemy death
  • Menu:
    • Added a victory screen on beating the boss
    • Added a gameover screen on dying
    • Organised options menu into better sub menus (i think)
    • Added menu sound effects
  • Misc:
    • Added screen transitions
    • Added a music manager system, music with an intro now only has that intro play once, where the main section loops infinitely
    • Improved level intro visuals
    • Adjusted volume of lots of sounds
    • Added angle shake to the screen shake. This shake is not affected by intensity, but is affected by disabling screen shake
    • When FPS is enabled, it'll no longer change font when another font appears on screen
    • Added option to set the camera zoom amount
    • Added a hud element to show the number of kills until the next wave, and the time until the next wave auto starts

And with that, I'm taking a break for the rest of the week. Have fun!

Files 60 MB
78 days ago 56 MB
78 days ago 57 MB
78 days ago

Get Switchblade (Demo)

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